The importance of strategic insurance to protect your wealth
The Importance of Insurance
Topics: insurance, financial plan
Developing Your Personal Financial Plan
Developing your personal financial plan to protect your future
By putting yourself in the hands of an expert, you can spend more time building wealth and less time worrying about the complex details of your insurance, investments, superannuation and other financial matters.
Good financial advisors will also take a genuine interest in your goals and aspirations. They can be an excellent sounding board to help you work out what you really want in life and strategically plan your insurance requirements so you are adequately covered without over paying or doubling up.
Topics: investment planning, financial plan
Information About Insurance for Business Owners and Professionals
You may have insured your home, contents and vehicles. But have you considered insurance for your lives, income and financial assets in the event of a serious illness or accident?
Topics: financial plan
Information About Superannuation and SMSFs
Superannuation is a way of putting money aside now so you can live comfortably when you are retired.
Topics: investment planning, market update, superannuation, retirement planning
Information About Investment Planning
Investment planning involves buying into an asset class on the open market - cash, fixed interest, property or shares - with the expectation that the value will increase so you can sell for profit in the future. Therefore with successful investing, you are able to accumulate wealth.
Topics: investment planning, market update, superannuation, retirement planning
Lantern advisory market update
Based on the current market situation, here are some financial tips and investment opportunities you may wish to consider:
Topics: superannuation, retirement planning
What Can Happen if You Don't Have a Financial Plan?
Topics: superannuation, retirement planning
What is Financial Planning?
Financial planning is about looking ahead. It is about creating financial security for you and your family – this year, next year and particularly in the decades to come.
Topics: superannuation, retirement planning
How Much Money Will I Need to Live on in Retirement?
As a busy professional, you work hard to meet the needs of your clients and to grow your team and business. However have you stopped to consider your own growth needs and how the business you are developing will fund your desired lifestyle both now and in the future?
Topics: superannuation