The Importance of Insurance

Posted by James Cavanough on 17-Feb-2016 11:03:55
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The importance of strategic insurance to protect your wealth

Nobody likes to think about what life would be like if they were sick or injured. However we all need our health and income in order to generate wealth and sustain our daily living. 
It would be easy to ignore the topic of personal insurance, but if an accident or serious illness was to occur, this ignorance would cause devastating outcomes for you, your family and your business.
It is also worth remembering that no matter how much expert advice you receive or how well you manage your finances, none of us are immune from the risk of early death, serious illness or injury.
Where that leaves you and your loved ones in the future depends on the wealth protection strategy and insurances that you have in place.
Risks you could face in the future
  • Emotional, physical or mental trauma 
  • Death or serious illness
  • Loss of income due to temporary or permanent incapacity
  • Damage to your house or other personal assets
  • Theft and / or damage to business assets
  • Public liability and / or professional indemnity risks

Different types of insurance

To provide holistic coverage, you may require personal, general and health insurance policies. There are many different aspects to insurance and it is best to tailor a package that suits your needs as well as your budget.

Click here for more information on Lantern Advisory's insurance services.

Want more information on how your can protect your assets with the right type of insurance to suit you, your family and your business?

Instantly download the FREE Lantern Advisory Ebook "Strategic Insurance to Protect Your Wealth" by clicking the image below. We provide you with information on best practices and pitfalls to avoid as not all insurance policies are created equally.

You are also welcome to contact Ian Walker or James Cavanough from Lantern Advisory on 07 3002 2690 for a free and confidential discussion regarding your personal situation.

Lantern Advisory Strategic Insurance to Protect Your Wealth

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Topics: insurance, financial plan