How Much Money Will I Need to Live on in Retirement?

Posted by Ian Walker on 06-Aug-2015 11:25:00
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As a busy professional, you work hard to meet the needs of your clients and to grow your team and business. However have you stopped to consider your own growth needs and how the business you are developing will fund your desired lifestyle both now and in the future?

While Australia is home to over 443,000 high net worth investors, we have one of the biggest gaps in the world when it comes to retirement saving. A third of even relatively well-off pre-retirees ($90,000+ household incomes), say they are not confident that they will be able to maintain a comfortable retirement. And while the average Australian expects to be in retirement for 23 years, most will run out of retirement savings after 10 years (Source: HSBC Future Retirement Report).

Funding your retirement – how much is enough?

The table below provides an estimate of how much money you will need to support a modest or comfortable retirement. It applies for people retiring at age 65 who will live to an average life expectancy of about 85.

ASFA Retirement Standard

Annual living

Weekly living

Couple - modest



Couple - Comfortable



Single - Modest



Single - Comfortable



Another way to estimate how much money you will need in retirement is to assume you need 67% (two thirds) of your income before you retire in order to maintain the same standard of living in retirement. This estimate is only suitable for high income earners. (Source: ASFA).

Compulsory retirement

It is worth noting that some firms have compulsory retirement below 60 years of age. For younger partners / directors, superannuation cannot be accessed until age 60. If this situation relates to you, it is even more critical that other investment vehicles be put in place to provide you with an income in your early retirement years.

Want more information on how you can improve your retirement planning?

Instantly download the FREE Lantern Advisory Ebook "Introduction to Financial Planning and Market Update" (click image below). We provide you with information on what should be in your financial plan, how to set one up, the benefits, pitfalls to avoid and some market opportunities.

You are also welcome to contact Ian Walker or James Cavanough from Lantern Advisory on 07 3002 2690 for a free and confidential discussion regarding your personal situation.

Lantern Advisory Introduction to Financial Planning and Market Update

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Topics: superannuation