Information About Investment Planning

Posted by James Cavanough on 14-Oct-2015 09:00:00
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Investment planning involves buying into an asset class on the open market - cash, fixed interest, property or shares - with the expectation that the value will increase so you can sell for profit in the future. Therefore with successful investing, you are able to accumulate wealth.

Before you begin investment planning, you need to think about how you feel about risk and talk about this with your adviser. Risk is inescapable. High risk investments promise the greatest potential return – especially in the short term - but also the greatest potential loss. Less risky investments suggest lower returns but have a higher likelihood of long-term success.

Other factors to consider are liquidity, diversification and taxation:

  • Liquidity is the ability to cash in or sell an investment quickly to gain access to the funds without significant penalty
  • Diversification involves having the right mix of investment types to reduce your risk
  • Taxation is also important, as a good investment plan will minimise your tax liabilities while earning the best return

Investment Planning Opportunities

Specific opportunities Lantern Advisory is looking into at present:

  • Interest rates for term deposits
  • Equities up or down
  • Bonds / fixed interest
  • Property

Take advantage of market opportunities

You can take better advantage of market opportunities by engaging a financial adviser. By putting yourself in the hands of an expert, you can spend more time building wealth and less time worrying about the complex details of investments, superannuation and other financial matters.

Good financial advisors will also take a genuine interest in your goals and aspirations. They can be an excellent sounding board to help you work out what you really want in life, both now and in the future.

Click here for more information on Lantern Advisory's wealth management services.

Want more information on how your can increase your wealth, protect your assets and build a strong financial plan for the future?

Instantly download the FREE Lantern Advisory Ebook "Introduction to Financial Planning and Market Update" by clicking the image below. We provide you with information on what should be in your financial plan, how to set one up, the benefits, pitfalls to avoid and some market opportunities.

You are also welcome to contact Ian Walker or James Cavanough from Lantern Advisory on 07 3002 2690 for a free and confidential discussion regarding your personal situation.Lantern Advisory Introduction to Financial Planning and Market Update

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Topics: investment planning, market update, superannuation, retirement planning