FY2018 results
Results for FY2018 generally met expectations, with earnings growth of companies in the ASX200 up around 9%, against expectations of 7%.
FY2018 results
Results for FY2018 generally met expectations, with earnings growth of companies in the ASX200 up around 9%, against expectations of 7%.
Topics: financial planning
The unfortunate facts about cancer
In Australia, cancer is the second most common form of death and accounts for about three in 10 deaths. In the under 40 age group, cancer is the largest cause of natural disease deaths in younger Australians.
Topics: insurance, cancer insurance
Our mission
In 2013, Ian Walker and I established Lantern Advisory to "deliver holistic and independent advice to create and protect the wealth of our clients". However, our mission has always been much deeper than this statement.
Topics: financial planning, wealth management
The Australian term deposit landscape
The size of term deposits in Australia held with Approved Deposit Institutions (ADIs) is around $530bn, with 45% or more held by Australians who are aged 65 years or more (ASIC report 353). The average term deposit invested is around $77,000 and banks are the main providers of term deposits.
Topics: financial planning, blue chip shares, term deposits, diversified portfolio
Demand for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) is still strong, particular in the 45-55 year age bracket.
Topics: SMSF, Self Managed Superannuation Funds, SMSF management
The ASX 200 reporting season for August 2017 was very good, although not great. Almost 91% of full-year reporting companies produced a profit, above the long term average of 87% but down from 94% in February 2017.
For many Australians, their wealth journey consists of owning a family home and accumulating superannuation. But many would be interested to know there are other wealth generating strategies available.
In my experience as a financial planner, around 10% of Australians prepare and stick to a personal household budget. However, budgeting is the first step in establishing a good financial plan and achieving your financial goals.
I know it’s hard to do, especially when unforeseen expenses occur like blown air-conditioners in summer, car registration, insurance and Christmas gifts crop up; but in the current climate of lower investment returns and a slowing domestic economy, we should all be reigning in our spending habits.
Topics: budget, household budget, saving in 2017
With holidays fast approaching for most and Christmas on the horizon, have you stopped to think how you will fund your additional expenses during December and January?
Topics: savings, holiday savings, christmas savings
During August (which is when Australian companies report their profit earnings), the results have revealed, on average, solid health and this has helped support the local economy.
1300 557 598 | centrepointalliance.com.au | profinvest@cpal.com.au
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