James Cavanough

James is a qualified and highly experienced financial planner who has spent the last 15 years dedicated to creating and protecting wealth for business owners, individuals and private families across Australia.
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Recent Posts

Emergency Stimulus – What does it all mean for you?

Posted by James Cavanough on 22-Apr-2020 22:12:38

There have been a couple of rounds of economic stimulus announced by the Government, to help us cope with the economic and social displacement caused by the Coronavirus. These measures are designed to assist people suffering hardship and include early access of superannuation, temporary reduction of superannuation minimum drawdown rates, and a reduction in social security deeming rates.

There are of course a range of business measures for owners and employees alike, such as cash flow assistance, JobKeeper payments and more, in addition to possible loan repayment relief.

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Topics: wealth management

Is the market falling because of the coronavirus?

Posted by James Cavanough on 12-Mar-2020 12:10:01

The dramatic fall in share prices over the past few weeks has generated much media coverage and uncertainty around of the effects of the coronavirus on individuals, supply chains and the broader economy. This is understandable, given the rapid fall in shares of around 15%, but let’s put things into perspective.

We are of the view that this event is just another correction, although share prices may still have more downside.

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Topics: wealth management

How to manage a lumpy asset in your Self-Managed Super Fund

Posted by James Cavanough on 28-Feb-2020 11:06:28

What is a lumpy asset and how do you begin to manage the issues and risks around having a large, dominating asset in your SMSF portfolio? A “lumpy asset” is an asset that cannot be acquired in small increments, but must be obtained in large, discrete units.

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Topics: wealth management

Spruce Up Your Investment Portfolio in 2020

Posted by James Cavanough on 18-Dec-2019 14:55:20

We regularly design investment portfolios for clients, considering their unique circumstances, individual requests, needs and objectives, as well as specific investment selection criteria like valuation, balance sheet health, earnings growth, governance, and overall quality. Below are some of the common circumstances, considerations and life events that are associated with the different stages of your personal and financial life and what we can do to ensure your portfolio’s optimal performance.

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Topics: wealth management

Through the Financial Fog

Posted by James Cavanough on 28-Nov-2019 16:05:48

Wow, there sure is a lot of noise in the financial media these days. There is nothing like a bit of fear mongering and misuse of information to stir up a bit of chaos and confusion. Is any of this news actually useful and what does it all mean?

A lot of recently published articles on the economy might be ‘newsworthy’, but lack perspective and rarely rationally discuss the long-term implications.

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Topics: wealth management

Who can you trust with your financial future?

Posted by James Cavanough on 12-Jul-2019 12:30:45

In the current state of economic uncertainty, with the Banking Royal Commission, record low interest rates, and conflicting views about the health of our economy, some consumers are tempted to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’ and hide their retirement savings under the mattress, instead of seeking financial advice. It’s a shame, because research shows that having a dynamic, productive relationship with a trustworthy, experienced and independent financial adviser helps improve wealth.

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Topics: wealth management

Have you heard the good news? Investing is getting cheaper.

Posted by James Cavanough on 11-Jun-2019 18:00:37

One of the positive outcomes from the Royal Commission is the cost of managing investments. The cost of investing in superannuation, or other investment vehicles, is coming down.

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Topics: wealth management

How to manage investment risk in your portfolio

Posted by James Cavanough on 27-Mar-2019 16:57:44

When it comes to investing, focusing on the negatives isn’t helpful. Instead, it’s better to develop your personal investing strategy and then stick to it. This is often easier said than done. How do you know which risk factors are relevant to your portfolio? Not all risks are the same and each portfolio has different underlying goals and objectives.

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Topics: wealth management

Have you got all the bases covered?

Posted by James Cavanough on 01-Mar-2019 12:18:57

2019 is likely to be filled with a large amount of ‘media noise’. We are heading for a Federal Budget in April, and a Federal Election in May, on top of all the other sensationalised news items we are subjected to day in and day out.

Are you finding this noise distracting? Have you also noticed the Australian economy’s performance is a bit flat?

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Topics: wealth management

It’s Not All Bad News for You and Your Finances

Posted by James Cavanough on 03-Dec-2018 16:05:11

The festive season is a great opportunity to spend some quality time with family and friends. It’s the best time to truly relax, go on a holiday, or shop up a storm at the boxing day sales. It is also a good time to reflect on what’s happening in the world and reflect on your own financial position. In the last few months we have been subjected to an endless flow of negative news. We’ve been getting daily updates on the Banking Royal Commission and sensational news stories about the political and economic state of the world. But are things really that bad?

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Topics: wealth management