When it comes to investing, focusing on the negatives isn’t helpful. Instead, it’s better to develop your personal investing strategy and then stick to it. This is often easier said than done. How do you know which risk factors are relevant to your portfolio? Not all risks are the same and each portfolio has different underlying goals and objectives.
How to manage investment risk in your portfolio
Topics: wealth management
Have you got all the bases covered?
2019 is likely to be filled with a large amount of ‘media noise’. We are heading for a Federal Budget in April, and a Federal Election in May, on top of all the other sensationalised news items we are subjected to day in and day out.
Are you finding this noise distracting? Have you also noticed the Australian economy’s performance is a bit flat?
Topics: wealth management
It’s Not All Bad News for You and Your Finances
The festive season is a great opportunity to spend some quality time with family and friends. It’s the best time to truly relax, go on a holiday, or shop up a storm at the boxing day sales. It is also a good time to reflect on what’s happening in the world and reflect on your own financial position. In the last few months we have been subjected to an endless flow of negative news. We’ve been getting daily updates on the Banking Royal Commission and sensational news stories about the political and economic state of the world. But are things really that bad?
Topics: wealth management
Bubbles, downturns and headwinds ... let's talk property
There has been plenty of media coverage lately on the property bubble, the property downturn, the property headwinds, first home buyers, too many units and many other click-bait-orientated headlines.
Topics: property investment
Earnings season insights - September 2018
FY2018 results
Results for FY2018 generally met expectations, with earnings growth of companies in the ASX200 up around 9%, against expectations of 7%.
Topics: financial planning
Financial Considerations in Your 40s Blog
Following on from my previous blog, Financial Advice for 30 Somethings, I thought I would touch on financial considerations for people in their 40s.
Topics: financial plan brisbane
The True Cost of Cancer
The unfortunate facts about cancer
In Australia, cancer is the second most common form of death and accounts for about three in 10 deaths. In the under 40 age group, cancer is the largest cause of natural disease deaths in younger Australians.
Topics: insurance, cancer insurance
The Power of Holistic and Independent Financial Advice
Our mission
In 2013, Ian Walker and I established Lantern Advisory to "deliver holistic and independent advice to create and protect the wealth of our clients". However, our mission has always been much deeper than this statement.
Topics: financial planning, wealth management
More to Investing than Term Deposits and Blue Chip Shares
The Australian term deposit landscape
The size of term deposits in Australia held with Approved Deposit Institutions (ADIs) is around $530bn, with 45% or more held by Australians who are aged 65 years or more (ASIC report 353). The average term deposit invested is around $77,000 and banks are the main providers of term deposits.
Topics: financial planning, blue chip shares, term deposits, diversified portfolio
Self managed super funds - update for investors
Demand for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) is still strong, particular in the 45-55 year age bracket.
Topics: SMSF, Self Managed Superannuation Funds, SMSF management